No team summary for this season.

G-Force Meeting Monday December 7 - Finish Strong Spartans!!!
Updated on 06/10/2022
Our next G-Force meeting is Monday December 7 at 8:30am via our Google Classroom Meet. Take a few minutes to complete the "Finish Strong Spartans" assignment in Google Classroom prior to our meeting as we will continue to expand upon it in the meeting as we discuss finishing up the first semester and this crazy 2020 year! Have a great weekend Spartans and remember to always, "CARE... to Make A Difference!" - Coach Maeda
SBCUSD Athletics' Update - Return to Sports in November
Updated on 06/10/2022 | Coach Matt Maeda, AD
On October 20, 2020, the SBCUSD Board of Education voted to allow our high school "fall" sports teams for 2020-2021 to Return to Phase 1 - Conditioning Only beginning November 2, 2020.
But everyone must understand that our number one priority is the health and wellness of our athletes, the athlete families, our staff, and our staff's families... so please... FOLLOW THE RULES!!!
You may click here to view the SBCUSD Athletics' Reopening Phases Guidance.
At this time, our biggest hurdle looks to be getting all of our athletes cleared for participation as we can not start regardless of the date approved by the Board if the athletes do not get cleared.
Athletes need to submit three items to our SGHS Athletic Dept in order to get cleared. At this time, we are asking that the items get submitted electronically via email to our athletic secretary at . Contact your head coach for the option to turn in hard copies of items if absolutely necessary... but please just email the documents!
- Doctor's physical on district approved form.... click here (pages 1-2)
- Insurance affidavit... click here (page 3)
- Final confirmation page after athlete and parent/guardian completes the athletic clearance packet at
Please scan the documents or take a clear, legible picture to upload and email to Ms. Gerelyn Logan, athletic secretary.
Thanks to all!
Spartan Athletics' Update August 2020
Updated on 06/10/2022 | Coach Maeda - SGHS Athletic Director
Welcome back Spartans!
Well not totally, but we are still excited and planning for the newly modified CIF Sports Calendar for 2020-2021 which was released on July 20. Our primary goal will always be the health and wellness of our Spartans, so we will follow state and county guidelines as we return to sports.
The new start dates for CIF sports' competitions are as follows: December 2020 - Cheer, Cross Country (B/G), Football, Volleyball (B/G), and Water Polo (B/G). February 2021 - Soccer (B/G) and Tennis (G). March - Baseball, Basketball (B/G), Softball, Swimming (B/G), Tennis (B), Track and Field (B/G), and Wrestling (B/G).
Athletes will still need to have completed doctor's physicals, insurance affidavits,and online physical packets when we are allowed to return to sports by our district as per the state and county guidelines. The district's return to sports guidelines are being modified now to stay current with the state and county recommendations. We are optimistically hoping to be able to return to basic conditioning and individual skill work in September or October in preparation for the CIF sports starting in December.
Please continue to visit our athletics' website at for the most recent updates including our new sports' schedules as they get finalized and updated. You may also obtain the physical and insurance information under the "information/forms" tab on the menu board at the top of our athletics website. Our online physical packet is the same as last year and may be found at
Stay healthy, safe, and strong Spartans... and remember to always, "CARE... to Make A Difference!" - Coach Maeda

SBCUSD - December 7, 2020 - Athletics Announcement
Updated on 06/10/2022
Attention Spartans: our district made this announcement late today...
“In light of dramatically increasing COVID cases in our city as well as the Governor's recent stay-at-home order, we are temporarily suspending in person sports conditioning. While we were looking forward to moving through the phases of our Return to Athletics Plan, this decision is made with an abundance of caution in order to keep our students, our team members and their families safe. We will revisit this decision when we return from Winter Recess in January. Thank you."
I should be having many meetings over Christmas break to plan various options as we head into January... several of which I mentioned today in our G-Force meeting.
Enjoy a safe and relaxing break after you nail your semester finals next week... let’s close out this crazy 2020 year... and be ready to go for a brand new 2021!!!
Take CARE Spartans- Coach Maeda